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13 Questions with Kelly Marcroft, RN, MSN, 岑, Director of Emergency Services


To Kelly Marcroft, RN, MSN, 岑, Director of Emergency Services here at DKH, working in health care is a lot like the restaurant biz. Her experience waitressing at Max Downtown in Hartford while in college set her up to understand the busy nature of working in the ED and being on her feet for long periods of time. During those late nights and long days, she learned to balance the needs and expectations of her customers, and how to not allow stress to infiltrate the demands of her position. 

So it should come as no surprise to see Kelly jumping in to help care for patients on the ED floor whenever she is called upon. Kelly has mastered what it takes to prioritize what is important, even waking up extra early to carve out time to get her run in for the day!

Family is everything to Kelly, and spending all the time she can get with her two little ones (Avery, 6和里德, 2) is one way she enjoys her free time. Kelly also enjoys the beach or anything outdoors and being with her extended family. She comes from a family of 6 children and her husband (Jason) comes from a family of 3, so extended family is always around.

Kelly will be celebrating her first year with DKH on August 25th! While she has been here she has come to deeply appreciate her staff and wants them to always know she would never ask them to do something she wouldn’t do herself. Read on to learn more about Kelly.

1. 我成长于: 纽因顿,CT

2. Who’s on your playlist? 呀!! A lot of artists, but some of my faves are the Zac Brown Band, an assortment of other new country, P!nk, and Justin Timberlake 

3. What’s your favorite movie? Shawshank Redemption (drama), Stripes (comedy)

4. What’s your favorite color? 绿色

5. What was the last thing you read? Amelia Bedelia (with my daughter), The Girl on the Train (for myself)

6. 谁是你的英雄? My young sister-in-law who battled cancer (and won!) twice, while raising a family and working full-time, with unwavering positivity and hope.

7. 养不养宠物? (如果有的话,请说出名字.)是的! Right now one chocolate lab named Liut (named after a Whaler’s goalie). We lost our 13 year old golden retriever Gunner last summer. :(

8. Name something on your bucket list. Vacation to Bora Bora!

9. What’s your “go-to” comfort food? Anything with cheese. 披萨烤干酪辣味玉米片……

10. Smartphone, tablet or desktop? 所有的! But, my smartphone is the one I can’t live without!

11. People would be surprised to know that I: Was an Irish step dancer for 15 years

12. What’s your current health focus (for you personally)? Maintaining an active lifestyle and training for my 4th half-marathon. I think it’s important that my kids see that health and being active are important and I want them to always know that I take care of myself so I can be a better mom to them.

13. What’s your favorite place in Northeast Connecticut? I’m still learning the area but Downtown Putnam has a very cool vibe with great restaurants!


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